When: February - August 2017
Who: GreenMonkeyGames
Ditto Doodle is a mobile game on Android and iOS; the game shows you the outline of an image, and it is your job to draw it again. The more accurate your drawing, the better you are scored.
I set up the entirety of the game in Unity and even did the art for the first iteration; until an artist more skilled than I was got to provide her work! A second, overhauled version came out, which is the one currently up, so I essentially built the game twice and improved on my coding. I worked on how to game-ify the gesture recognition of a drawing finger, to a Unity plugin tool that generated paths for the game to use to draw and compare the player’s drawing.
I also worked with the appstore/play store to set up IAPs and ads, and the revisions required by my employer.